The freedom and ease of movement from one location to another has always been the greatest challenge for those with a disability. For people who have to rely on wheelchairs and other forms of disability locomotion devices getting a taxi ride or a bus to the nearest town is not always easy. How will you board the taxi or bus? How will you alight? Will the ride have special technology for disability? Do you have to get "pushed" again to the stop? These are some of the questions always haunting your mind whenever you think of making a quick run somewhere.
Luckily, accessible transportation options are fast improving and conquering this limitation for people with disability. A case in point is the rise of accessible transportation taxis. Today, as a person with a disability, you can comfortably call for a taxi, board to your destination and catch another one back home. All without the cost of feeling helpless and relying on people to get you around. So how do these services work?
Accessible transportation taxi framework
Taxi companies now have accessible transportation taxis that have the infrastructure suitable for loading and offloading disability locomotion devices. The companies themselves have to register their services and drivers with the relevant authorities for purposes of regulation. As a person living with a disability, all you have to do is register your state of disability with the companies or the regulating body. The companies then acquire your details, and you are then able to call them at any time for a taxi that will come to your location and drop you off at your specified location. The companies should have taxis of this kind covering extensive areas of your town or city.
Procedures and checks
Different companies have varying procedures for accessible transportation taxis. The basic template of procedure, however, is as follows: On registration, you gain membership for the taxi company's services. A small subscription fee for registration may be required. Once you are subscribed, the company issues you with a form of identification that you will be required to produce every time you call for a ride. Most taxi companies charge individual assisted transportation rides similarly to, if not the same as, an ordinary taxi ride. Others offer packages that cover seasonal rides, periodic rides, or a certain specified total distance based on subscribed for packages.
On calling for a ride, dispatchers at the companies' control offices immediately find their closest taxi to your location. A signal is sent to their on-board terminals, and they simply click a button to accept the job. If a taxi isn't found immediately, the next closest is signaled, and so on until one comes to your exact location.
Finally, to ensure taxi drivers always respond to accessible transportation calls, they are allowed a very limited number of declines. If a taxi is indicated as available, and the driver declines, the company has a responsibility of taking action against the driver based on their policies.
For more information, contact local taxi companies and see if they offer accessible transportation options.